How to Defend in Football 1v1 – Defending Tips for Soccer

There is a saying in the football world that attack wins the game and defense wins the championship. It can be seen that defense is the cornerstone of a team winning the championship! Defense is so important, but it is much easier than attack. It requires more creativity to score goals in attack. The task of a defender is only to destroy or delay the attack of the other side. In amateur matches, players often encounter 1-on-1 defense. Don't panic at this time. Learn the following 5 moves to improve your defense in soccer.

1V1 defending soccer

How to Defend in Football 1v1 – 5 Defending Tips for Soccer

1. Compressed space

When facing attacking players, if they are too far away from the other side, the other side will have enough time and space to look up and make the next choice. We should quickly compress the space with the opponent and keep a distance of 1-2 steps so that he will lose the time to make a judgment and force him to bow his head to protect the football under his feet.

2. Do not rob easily

As a defensive player, you have to be patient with the defense. Those excellent offensive players like to meet defensive players who are free to rob because they can easily pass you with only one change of direction. When you reach the defensive position, you just need to patiently step back in small steps to slow down the attack speed of the other side and let your teammates have time to participate in the defense.

3. Keep moving

When defending, don't stand still like a statue. It's hard for you to keep up with the attacking players when they speed up. The best way is to use small steps to closely follow and limit the opponent. When moving, keep your eyes on the football. Don't pay attention to the feet, shoulders, and other body parts of the attacking player. It's easy to be shaken by fake actions.

4. Take decisive action

When the opportunity was ripe, I had to go forward and bring the ball down with great confidence. When the attacking player strides across the ball, it is difficult to make a second adjustment in a short time. This is a good opportunity to seize. Pay attention to moving your whole body forward when you grab. Don't think that if your foot touches the ball, you will be successful in defense. That's far from enough.

5. Open your arms

Stretch out your arms and be good at using your body. It doesn't mean to foul or hurt anyone, but when the attacking player touches you, you turn faster than him and you will be one step ahead of them. Then you can stretch out your arm and put it in front of your chest, just like when you are running. This will push them back and push you forward.

When we put pressure on the defenders, we must remember that if the opponent is an excellent forward and is attacking with the ball, if we press him slowly like this, it will give him a great advantage, because when he gets faster, he can easily break through me. Obviously, this is not what we want.

Therefore, when we, as defenders, see the offensive players coming with the ball, we should compress the space as soon as possible and press hard, but it does not mean that we should rush, otherwise the offensive players only need a small fake action to pass us. We should remember not to rush, and not rush out of the game. The game progresses very quickly. Sometimes, it is easy to rush up when the brain is short-circuited, and then the opponent can easily pass it, We must keep calm, especially when we are a defender.