Why Football is So Popular – Origin and History of Football

Football is undoubtedly among the most popular sports in the world today, it actually was a historic sport. When you talk to a football fan, you will unmistakably sense the intensity with which they feel for the game. Then why is football popular in the world and how is it developed?


Origin and History of Football

Football originated in ancient China, called Cuju, and modern football originated in Britain. In Medieval England, football became an activity loved by many young people. They chase the ball in the narrow street and often kick it into the window of people on the street. So the king of England had to ban football. From the 12th century to the 16th century, the king of England issued the "football ban" four times. However, due to the special charm of football, the ban failed to make it die prematurely. Have you ever wondered why football is the number one sport in the world? Why isn't table tennis the number one sport in the world? There must be profound logic behind macro social phenomena. Let's discuss this interesting topic today.

Ancient football appeared in Cuju in the Warring States period of China, which was the Harpastum played by ancient Greeks and Rome at the same time. At the beginning of 2004, FIFA confirmed that Cuju in ancient China was the earliest prototype of football, and the Secretary-General of the Asian Football Federation Peter Velappan issued the origin Memorial Cup and certificate.

In fact, as early as 2300 years ago (285 BC), Cuju was born and popular in Zibo, China. At that time, it was recorded as an activity with the dual nature of military and entertainment. After improvement, Cuju was gradually popularized. In the Sui and Tang Dynasties, Cuju and Buddhism were introduced to Japan. Today, the usage of calling football "Cuqiu" can still be seen in Japanese and Korean, which is influenced by China.

Modern football originated in Britain and was widely spread in the European continent in the Victorian era because of the conscious promotion of the government. At that time, the purpose of the Empire of never setting sun to promote football was to make British men more masculine, so when modern football started, it had been integrated with the taste of hormones. In addition, this sport integrates speed, confrontation, game, the uncertainty of results, and other factors that are not often easy to mobilize emotions, so football has become the world's largest sport.

Why Football is So Popular

The human brain will show different activity patterns for different experiences. In a football match, it is not a small probability event to score a goal or draw; When there are two goals in a game, the fans feel very happy; For example, the national football team scored seven goals against Guam today, but it didn't bring me too much excitement. In my opinion, the greatest charm of football is not to score goals, because goals are not easy, so every goal is precious. The goal is right there. Why don't you score? When you are eager for the players on the field to score, you have unconsciously become infatuated with this sport. Finally, finally, finally, scored! When a strong desire is satisfied, the pleasure obtained by the brain can even be comparable to drugs. So every time you watch a game more, this addictive experience may be strengthened several times, which is the reason why many people can't quit watching the game for a lifetime.

In fact, the addictive mechanism of football can be applied to the design of organizational behavior. How wonderful it would be if our little friends could treat their work like fans treat football! What's more interesting is that any behavior can be addictive! Although it is difficult to achieve this goal, it is possible to use the mechanism of football addiction to improve the working motivation of organization members! Can we assign some challenging tasks to the members of the organization? Can we take the form of gambling to make organization members more responsible for their own results? Can we make incentives more attractive when designing mechanisms?