Summer Sun Repair – How To Repair Skin Faster After A Sunburn?

The sun's rays emit harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation, which can cause freckles and cosmetic blemishes resulting in skin damage that can lead to more serious diseases such as cancer. Sun damage does not occur overnight and severe sunburn is possible under repeated sun exposure. This is a gradual process through repeated exposure to the sun's harmful rays, which can have serious consequences later in life.

Sunburn is completely preventable. We can limit excessive skin exposure by applying sunscreen, finding shade or wearing appropriate clothing and skin-covering accessories such as hats and sunglasses. Without proper protection from sunscreen and clothing in the sun, our skin will burn. To help heal and soothe stinging skin, we must start treating sunburn as soon as we are aware of it. The first thing to do is to get out of the sun – preferably indoors. The second thing is sunscreen, which protects our skin from skin cancer and premature ageing.

repair skin

As summer approaches and sun protection is back in the mainstream, how can you save your sunburned skin?

1. To apply ice hands to your face for an emergency sunburn repair, cool your hands under the tap for 30 seconds and wrap your cheeks with your hands. This way the temperature of your face will quickly transfer to your hands, and after a few repetitions, pat your face with your four water-soaked fingers. This method will have a calming effect on the skin and will also shrink your pores, with particular attention to the skin around the eyes.

2. Make up water on the face to repair sun damage after sunburn skin will have dullness and discolouration, this time whitening lotion will be able to reflect its value, before use in the refrigerator to chill, the face is to lie flat or on face upside down, so that whitening ingredients penetrate the skin to play the most effective.

3. moisturizing spray to help repair sunburn moisturizing spray can quickly calm the skin, choose a spray containing chamomile and aloe vera ingredients, with a paper mask spray on the spray can quickly repair the dry and red skin after sunburn. If you don't have a paper mask to hand, you can also use a non-flaking tissue instead.

4. Thoroughly clean skin repair, after the sun skin after experiencing the hot sun, will dry pores become large, the skin surface of the sunscreen is difficult to play the effect of skin care. After removing your make-up, use a hydrating serum to thoroughly relax and nourish your skin, even alleviate the problem of discolouration.

In most cases, sunburn does not require medical treatment. If there is heatstroke, dehydration, fever, severe blisters or other signs of a serious reaction, immediate medical attention is required and anti-inflammatory medication should be taken strictly as directed by your doctor to help reduce inflammation and reduce redness and pain.

Allow the blisters to heal naturally. Burning skin means there is a second-degree sunburn. The blisters should not be popped or squeezed at this point as they help the skin heal and protect it from infection. If touched, it will slow down the healing process and increase the risk of infection.

If we have experienced a severe sunburn with blisters or other serious side effects from medication, or if we have a history of sunburn, we need to be aware of changes in existing skin growth or the formation of new or irregularly shaped moles or spots, as these may indicate that we are suffering from skin cancer.

Finally, the most important thing to note is that we must take special care to protect the sunburned skin during the healing process. Although sunburn may seem like a temporary condition, it is the result of excessive exposure to the sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays – which can cause lasting damage to the skin.