Shadow Clone Barrage The Coolest Build in Diablo 4

As more Diablo 4 beta content leaks out, oneCLASS that is generating a ton of hype is the Shadow. With access to teleportation and shadow magic, they can enable some truly insane playstyles. One emerging fan favorite is the Shadow Clone Barrage build focused on spamming duplicates for explosive damage potential.

The Core Abilities

Shadow Clone Summons an ethereal clone to mimic your attacks that deals 30% reduced damage
Shadow Barrage Channel to fire a continuous stream of shadow bolts in a cone
Shadow Beam Channeled beam that seeks out enemies like Demon Hunter's Hungering arrow

The Gameplay Loop

The goal is to stack as many Shadow Clones as possible then channel either Shadow Barrage or Beam for maximum projectiles. With 4-5 clones active, the on-screen chaos looks absolutely insane!

Mandatory Legendaries

Spectral Shackles Increases Clone limit by 2 and clones now cast Beam independently
Dark Simulacrum Clones hit by Beam have a 50% chance to spawn a new clone for 10 seconds. Allows exponential growth

Optimal Talent Choices

Anything that further boosts Clone damage or count like Soul Ensnarement and Shadow Affinity. Dark Harvest passive is insane AoE clear too.


Endgame Gameplay Showcase

With perfectly min-maxed gear and Paragon, top Shadows can spawn 50+ clones facetanking in higher Greater Rifts while Beam melts everything on contact. It's chaotic mayhem and their most defining playstyle to date. While numbers will inevitably be tweaked, the Shadow Clone Barrage concept exhibits Diablo at its most insane. With the right optimization, it will grip the community come D4 launch. Consider maxing this hype spec first for viral video potential!