Healthy Lifestyle Guide – How To Maintain A Healthy Body?

To maintain good health, in 1992, the World Health Organisation (WHO) introduced the four cornerstones of good health: a proper diet, moderate exercise, abstinence from smoking and alcohol, and a good attitude.


Healthy Lifestyle Guide – How To Maintain A Healthy Body?

A sensible diet.

1. varied food, mainly cereals: 250-400g of cereals and potatoes per day, including 50-150g of mixed beans and 50-100g of potatoes.

2. more vegetables and fruits, dairy and pulses: 300-500g of dark vegetables and 1/2 of dark vegetables in light-coloured stations.

3. eating fish, poultry, eggs and lean meat in moderation: fish is better than poultry is better than lean meat.

4. less salt and less oil: daily salt intake is less than 6g/person and cooking oil intake is no more than 30g.

There are "one, three, five, seven" principles for moderate exercise.

1: Choose a type of exercise you like: running, rope skipping, ball games, boxing, etc.

3: Exercise for at least 30 minutes at a time.

5: Exercise at least 5 times a week for at least 150 minutes a week.

7: exercise at a heart rate of 70% of the maximum heart rate (maximum heart rate = 210 – age).

Quit smoking and limit alcohol.

Quit smoking: tobacco contains a lot of harmful substances: nicotine, carbon monoxide, tar, etc. There is a consumption formula for smoking: the cost of smoking = life + health + money + environmental pollution + being hated. All smoking needs to be stopped.

Limit alcohol: alcohol needs to be consumed in moderation, 5-10ml of white wine, 300ml of beer and 50-100ml of red wine are recommended. refuse alcohol if you can.

A good mindset.

A good mindset is one of the fundamental ways to maintain an active life. Be content with life as it is, in good times you need to help people, in bad times you will enjoy yourself.

Drinking enough water.

Drinking water scientifically can improve the three core functions of the body: metabolic function, immune function and antioxidant function: 

1. Improve metabolic function: drinking enough water helps to excrete metabolic products in a timely manner and accelerates blood circulation, which can increase the risk of obesity, nephritis and other diseases if the lack of water is accompanied by other poor lifestyle habits.

2. Improving immune function: lack of water is one of the reasons why immunity decreases. Adequate water intake keeps the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract moist, making it impossible for viruses to multiply rapidly and strengthening immunity.

3. Increase antioxidant capacity: Adequate hydration helps to increase one's antioxidant capacity and removes free radicals.