Diablo 4 Barbarian Guide, Skills & Class Mechanics

Looking for a list of Diablo 4 Barbarian skills and talents so you can theorycraft ahead of launch? The Barbarian is a solid fan favourite, and Diablo 4 promises plenty of brutal executions and bulging biceps. While we already have some expectations of how this class will perform, it also means that any tweaks, changes, or new skills and talents are that little bit more exciting.


The Diablo 4 release date is swiftly approaching, and we’ve got plenty of details on the five Diablo 4 classes we can expect to choose from when creating our character. We’ve also received some hints that there could be some new classes on the horizon as well. Without further ado, here is everything we know about the Barbarian class so far.

When reading this breakdown of the Diablo 4 Barbarian skills and talents, it’s important to note that the numerical figures attached to each skill are a placeholder for comparison’s sake. Depending on other factors, many of those numbers will change, but these stats provide vital context as to how powerful each skill may be.

Barbarian is a skilled melee fighter who knows his way around the axe, sword, and club. In fact, He can use pretty much any weapon that happens to get into His hands. He takes full advantage of his superior skills by carrying an arsenal of different weapons with him and swapping between them as the situation dictates it. Not only His weapons are deadly, His intimidating presence, combined with fierce shouts, is often enough to scatter enemies. While offensively-focussed, Barbarian is also a rather tough nut to crack and offers a wide range of powerful group utility tools. 

Diablo 4 basic skills – LMB

Basic skills are going to be your left click attack. They’ll generate fury for you to use on your Fury abilities (which we explore further down). It’s going to be the thing you use most in combat so arguably the most important slot to think about. The numbers in these examples aren’t static – they’re just the ones seen in the demo from BlizzCon 2019 and are good for comparison’s sake.

Class Mechanics

Barbarian's Arsenal system will allow Him to freely swap between different weapon types; from Two-Handed Maces to handy Shwort Swords or Hand Axes – Barb will have the right tool for any given situation. 

  • You will be able to possess two Two-Handed and two One-Handed weapons in your Arsenal and all Affixes from the chosen Weapons will apply all at once! However, just one Two-Hander or two One-Handers at a time can be used to perform attacks. 

  • Barbarian will have the ability to swap between His weapons dynamically at any time and assign specific Skills to different weapons. This way, you'll be able to always make the most out of your tools! 

  • Some of the Barbarian's Skills will require a specific Weapon Type to be used. This feature will work well with the Arsenal system. 

  • Skills may require a weapon to be bludgeoning (Maces meet this requirement) or Slashing (Swords, for example). 

  • Several Skills will require Two-Handed Weapons or Dual Wielding to be used. 

  • Using a Skill with weapon requirements will automatically swap to the best fitting weapon from your Arsenal. 

  • Barbarian will have a range of powerful utility skills at His disposal. These will include Crowd Control immunity, bonuses to health, and other useful things similar to boons provided by Barbarian's Shouts in Diablo 2 and 3. 

  • Barbarian will deal mostly Physical Damage, but He will have access to two distinct Specialization – Red (Warlord) and Orange (berserker). 

  • Warlord Skills are more defensively-focused and offer various party bonuses, survivability boosts, bleeding effects, opportunity strikes, and some Crowd Control effects. 

Berserker Skills are all about the offense and completely disregards Barbarian's safety. They will offer tremendous damage output, self-buffs, and speed, but won't provide any defense (on the contrary; they can hinder Barb's defense to some extent).