WoW SoD Phase 3 Best Grind Spots for ALL Classes

Welcome to our ultimate guide on the best grind spots for all classes in the latest "World of Warcraft" Season of Mastery (SoD) Phase 3. As each phase progresses, players find themselves in need of more gold to afford gear upgrades, enchantments, consumables, and more. Today, we'll explore three lucrative locations that promise high gold returns, helping you amass wealth quickly and efficiently in the game.

Before we dive in, a special thanks to our sponsor, Marvel Strike Force, a thrilling mobile RPG featuring your favorite Marvel characters. Don't miss out on their latest offers and join the battle to save the universe!


1. Legashi Demon Spot in Azshar

The northern parts of Azshara host the infamous Legashi demons, a hotspot for WoW SoD gold farmers since the vanilla days. Known for its rich loot table, this area can drop items like Runecloth, Felcloth, various enchanting patterns, and even rare Librams.

Tips for Farming

  • Timing: To minimize PvP encounters, try farming on weekdays or off-peak hours.

  • PvP Preparedness: The spot is notorious for PvP action. Having a PvP-oriented setup can help you retaliate or defend effectively.

  • Efficiency: In one hour of farming, you can expect significant yields, especially if you have the luck of dropping valuable items like the Libram of Veracity.

Potential Earnings

  • Average Gold/Hour: Depending on luck with drops, you can earn between 50-100 gold per hour.

2. Nightmare Incursions in Feralas and Hinterlands

These regions offer repeatable quests that can be shared within groups, focusing primarily on simple "pick-up" tasks rather than combat-heavy quests.

Effective Strategy

  • Group Play: Working in a group can maximize efficiency. Aim to include a tank and a healer to attempt the occasional boss quests for extra rewards.

  • Quest Selection: Stick to the less buggy quests for consistent gold earnings. Some quests have been reported to offer suboptimal rewards.

Potential Earnings

  • Average Gold/Hour: Reports suggest you can make around 100 gold per hour in ideal conditions.

3. Essence of Air Farming in Silithus

Northwestern Silithus is ripe with Dust Stormers, level 55-57 air elementals, targeted for their Essence of Air, crucial for high-level enchantments.

Farming Tips

  • Duo Farming: Teaming up can significantly increase kill speed and drop rate efficiency.

  • Persistence: The drop rate can be unpredictable. Staying persistent can yield fluctuating but potentially high rewards.

Potential Earnings

  • Average Gold/Hour: While earnings can vary, exceptional hours can yield up to 300 gold, especially if Essences are priced favorably on your server.

These three spots in WoW SoD Phase 3 offer varied opportunities for making gold, each with its own set of challenges and advantages. Whether you prefer solo play or group activities, there's a profitable option available for every player.

Thank you for following our guide, and a final shoutout to Marvel Strike Forcefor their support. Remember to check out their game and take advantage of the current promotions. For more tips and live gameplay, join me at, and until next time, stay frosty!