Top 10 Best Greatswords in Elden Ring

Welcome, adventurers, to the mystical and treacherous world of Elden Ring! As you embark on your journey to conquer the land of the Elden Ring, one of the most iconic weapons you will wield is the greatsword. These colossal weapons offer immense power and reach, capable of cleaving through enemies with devastating force. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the realm of greatswords, exploring their types, characteristics, and, most importantly, the best greatswords that will aid you in your quest for supremacy.


What are Greatswords?

Greatswords, as the name suggests, are massive swords that combine the weight of a sword with the size and heft of a two-handed weapon. They offer a balance between the versatility of standard swords and the sheer power of ultra greatswords. Greatswords are favored by knights, warriors, and adventurers who seek to vanquish their foes with a single, powerful strike.

Why Choose Greatswords?

Greatswords excel in dealing high damage, breaking through enemy defenses, and staggering opponents. Their wide sweeping attacks make them effective against groups of enemies, and they can often interrupt enemy attacks with their sheer force. When properly wielded, a greatsword can turn the tide of battle in your favor.

How to Effectively Use Greatswords

Mastering the use of greatswords requires a combination of timing, positioning, and understanding your weapon's move set. Practice your swings to get a sense of their reach and speed. Greatswords are slower than standard swords, so learning to time your strikes is crucial. Pay attention to enemy movements, and strike when they are vulnerable. Remember that patience is key – trading blows might work in your favor due to the greatsword's high damage output.

Top 10 Best Greatswords in Elden Ring

1 – Dawnbreaker

Type: Standard Greatsword

Description: The Dawnbreaker is a reliable greatsword that boasts balanced scaling and a versatile move set. Its radiant design is matched only by its ability to cleave through enemies with precision.

2 – Voidreaver

Type: Ultra Greatsword

Description: The Voidreaver's ominous aura belies its devastating power. With unmatched damage and a unique heavy attack that creates shockwaves, this greatsword is perfect for those who value annihilating foes in a single blow.

3 – Stormbringer

Type: Elemental Greatsword (Lightning)

Description: Infused with the fury of thunderstorms, the Stormbringer deals both physical and lightning damage. Its charged heavy attacks release bolts of lightning that chain between enemies.

4 – Celestial Claymore

Type: Standard Greatsword

Description: The Celestial Claymore's ethereal glow hints at its otherworldly strength. It benefits from exceptional scaling and offers a mix of horizontal and vertical attacks, making it suitable for various combat scenarios.

5 – Embercleaver

Type: Elemental Greatsword (Fire)

Description: The Embercleaver burns with an unrelenting flame. Its fire-infused attacks not only deal additional fire damage but also have a chance to ignite enemies, causing damage over time.

6 – Frostbite Blade

Type: Elemental Greatsword (Ice)

Description: Frozen to the touch, the Frostbite Blade freezes enemies with every strike. Its heavy attacks have a chance to encase foes in ice, leaving them vulnerable to shattering blows.

7 – Abyssal Cleaver

Type: Ultra Greatsword

Description: The Abyssal Cleaver draws its strength from the depths of darkness. Its heavy attacks release a shockwave of dark energy, damaging enemies in its path. Perfect for those who revel in chaos.

8 – Solar Flare Greatsword

Type: Elemental Greatsword (Fire)

Description: The Solar Flare Greatsword embodies the scorching power of the sun. Its charged attacks launch fiery projectiles that explode on impact, immolating all who stand in your way.

9 – Moonshadow Guillotine

Type: Unique Greatsword

Description: Swift as a moonbeam, deadly as a guillotine. The Moonshadow Guillotine excels in swift, precision strikes, allowing you to dance through battles and land critical blows.

10 – Eldritch Reaver

Type: Unique Greatsword

Description: The Eldritch Reaver channels eldritch energies to alter reality itself. Its weapon arts manipulate time, allowing you to strike faster or slow down enemies to a crawl.

Greatsword Enhancement and Customization

Infusions and Upgrades – Enhance your chosen greatsword through infusions and upgrades. Tailor the weapon's attributes to your character build and elemental preferences. Experiment with different combinations to discover the optimal setup.

Gems and Enchantments – Socket powerful gems and enchantments into your greatsword to further augment its capabilities. These additions can provide bonuses to damage, elemental effects, or even unique status effects.

Cosmetics and Weapon Skins – Customize the appearance of your greatsword with various weapon skins and cosmetic enhancements. Showcase your style on the battlefield while wielding a weapon that strikes fear into your enemies.

As you swing these colossal weapons in battle, may your strikes be mighty and your enemies fall before your unstoppable force. With the best greatswords in your grasp, you are destined to etch your name into the annals of Elden Ring's history. Now, go forth, brave warrior, and let your legend unfold!