6 Tips for Improving Memory – How to Prevent Memory Loss

As we get older, sometimes you may feel that your memory is not as good as before. So what should I do if I have a bad memory? Memory can be trained the day after tomorrow. Today we will introduce 6 tips for how to improve memory.

6 Tips for Improving Memory

6 Tips for Improving Memory – How to Prevent Memory Loss

1. Understanding and analysis

Conduct analysis, synthesis, comparison, induction, and summary of the learned knowledge, carefully analyze the data, materials, and other information, find out the internal relations and laws, understand the composition of these materials, and then memorize this regular knowledge. On the basis of understanding, a few keywords or words are used to form a refined sentence, and then try to memorize it. It will be easier and easier.

2. Segmented memory

It is easier to break down the information to be memorized into many small pieces and then memorize it in sections than to memorize a large piece of information in one breath. People's short-term memory is based on chunks. The number of information chunks that people can retain in short-term memory is 7 + 2. A word, a phrase, a sentence, or even several sentences can be regarded as a chunk. The information inside the block is interconnected, not isolated. For example, improving memory efficiency can be regarded as a block. If it is broken down into "efficiency, improvement, and memory", it will become three blocks, and then further broken down into "rate, high, memory, memory, lifting, and efficiency", it will become six blocks. According to the chunking theory, we should be good at dividing the materials to be memorized into appropriate chunks. The chunking phenomenon exists in a large number of learning materials, such as Chinese idioms, proverbs, phrases, English phrases, idioms, mathematical formulas, etc. 

3. Make more records

Before analyzing data materials, you can prepare a piece of paper and a pen. While analyzing data materials, you can write points in your hand. In this way, your brain and hands can move at the same time, and the memory effect will be more ideal. Don't trust your memory too much. It's not a bad thing to carry a piece of paper around. When you are in class or at work, you can take notes of what you have learned and thought, and then understand these things thoroughly, which is of great significance to you.

4. Don't do more than one thing at once

If your computer and mobile phone are very close, you may sometimes operate the computer and answer the phone at the same time. At work, you may also contact customers or update your Weibo, etc. don't do this! Do only one thing at the same time, focus on it, and then finish it quickly. This won't interrupt your task list, you can know what you haven't done, and it will reduce the probability of mistakes.

5. Associative memory

A good way to quickly remember a new thing is to connect the new thing with the old thing you know. Compare the characteristics of things with the same, similar, and opposite nature, and remember the differences and connections between them. When recalling, you can associate one with others. You can also imagine the connection between them out of thin air so that you can quickly return to the things you need to remember through imagination.

6. Express more

Sometimes people feel that they have memorized all the contents, but when someone really asks, they can't say anything and even forget everything when they are nervous. This shows two points: first, those without memory are more profound, and second, they are not good at expressing themselves. The ability to express is very important. It is recommended to nag the contents of the memory every day, read them out loud, or recite them. This will not only let the information flow through the brain but also exercise your expression ability. The brain and the mouth move together, and the memory effect is ideal.